
What can you do with Badgecraft?


What can you do with Badgecraft?



You will explore the basics of platform. Badgecraft is a tool for any learning provider to issue and monitor badges. Interested? Dive deeper and learn what is it for, what are the basic functionalities and the resources that can help you if you are lost in your badge creation journey.
What is platform for?
Teachers, educators, youth workers, trainers, volunteers, employers... NGOs, youth centres, universities, communities, libraries, institutions, companies... Any place where learning is happening!
  1. Badgecraft offers a fun yet credible tool to assess competences, validate prior-learning, support professional development of staff and create motivating and engaging recognition systems for achievement.
  2. Badgecraft offers a multilingual web platform to manage achievements using digital open badges. Organisations and individuals can earn, create, issue, share, sort and display badges online, plus use them to communicate achievements in the places which matter.
  3. In other words: as a badge issuer you can create a badge or badge system by linking them to your current qualification framework, activity plan, competence model, strategy, membership and start issuing badges to your clients, participants, employees, volunteers, students, etc.


  • Badgecraft Users Guide

Hanki aktiviteetti-merkki

On-boarding Hanki tämä merkki

You have explored the basics of platform. Badgecraft is a tool for any learning provider to issue and monitor badges. Now you know what is it for, what are the basic functionalities and the resources that can help you if you are lost in your badge creation journey.
Sinun täytyy suorittaa loppuun kaikki tehtävät saadaksesi merkin
Tehtävä nro.1
Vastauksen vahvistanut: hyväksy itse
Read the following badgecraft functionality list and write down the number(s) of the functionality that you think is the most important while recognising achievements with badges:
  1. Create engaging and motivating quests to earn badges using a variety of activities.
  2. Allow evidence to be uploaded in a variety of formats to suit your learners and learning environment.
  3. Review learning using different methods including peer, self and assessor options.
  4. Monitor how people complete badge earning activities in real time.
  5. View and analyse recognition data. Use it to identify trends and patterns.
  6. Issue certificates based on earned badges and unlocked achievements.
  7. Sort and visualise achievements in an online portfolio.
  8. Manage privacy settings to decide easily who you share your achievements with.
  9. Share achievements online and offline with digital Open Badges and printable certificates.
Tehtävä nro.2
Vastauksen vahvistanut: hyväksy itse
Login in the paltform and complete your profile information
Tehtävä nro.3
Vastauksen vahvistanut: hyväksy itse
Think and reflect, if and how could platform be useful in your professional life?


#develop digitized educational materials
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Lithuanian Association of Non-formal Education

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Playlist "Unlock the world of Open Badges"
Lithuanian Association of Non-formal Education
Luotu Global platform for Cities of Learning
Badgecraft isännöi tätä alustaa ja kehittää sitä yhdessä johtavien koulutusorganisaatioiden kanssa. Euroopan unionin Erasmus+ -ohjelmasta myönnettiin osarahoitusta tämän foorumin ensimmäisen version rakentamiseen. Ota yhteyttä
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