Eco Boost

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 00:44 - Mar 28, 00:50

Eco Boost

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 00:44 - Mar 28, 00:50


We decided to develop Eco Boost youth exchange because we see that there is a huge lack of environmental awareness and education in Greece especially among young people. Environmental education in Greece is a long-lasting underrated societal need that is pressing and needs to be urgently addressed. Our system of environmental education aimed at children and youth as well as at general public markedly falls behind the needs of current Greek society and behind the standard of the European countries. This fact also influences the further development of basic environmental literacy and pro-environmental behavior. Environmental awareness of Greek citizens, especially youth, is insufficient and does not lead to any behavioral changes and establishment of proper values. If these changes and values will not be adopted in early the mindset of these young individuals will remain the same in their life. This behavior will be then further transferred to next generations.

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We decided to develop Eco Boost youth exchange because we see that there is a huge lack of environmental awareness and education in Greece especially among young people. Environmental education in Greece is a long-lasting underrated societal need that is pressing and needs to be urgently addressed. Our system of environmental education aimed at children and youth as well as at general public markedly falls behind the needs of current Greek society and behind the standard of the European countries. This fact also influences the further development of basic environmental literacy and pro-environmental behavior. Environmental awareness of Greek citizens, especially youth, is insufficient and does not lead to any behavioral changes and establishment of proper values. If these changes and values will not be adopted in early the mindset of these young individuals will remain the same in their life. This behavior will be then further transferred to next generations.
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