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Actionbound: Explore and Discover Alexandroupoli

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Actionbound: Explore and Discover Alexandroupoli

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This Actionbound is designed as a team-building activity to facilitate participants' getting to know each other, exploring training topics, and navigating Alexandroupoli city.

The Actionbound activities included such quests to accomplish:
  • navigate to specific destinations by walking;
  • learn some facts and history of marking sites in the city;
  • make small interactions with local people;
  • complete creative tasks, such as taking selfies.

Watch some videos with some young people from Alexandroupoli:

Stress and ..Action! in Alexandroupolis
With guidance from filmmaker Anastasis Mavroyiannis as part of a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Initiative’s (CAMHI) Youth Engagement Scheme (YES) workshop, teenagers in Alexandroupolis worked together to create a short film about stress.

Kids Next Door Junior (Alexandroupoli)

This Actionbound activity is a part of the European Youth Goals in Cities of Learning cooperation partnership (read more about this project) implemented by four partner organisations:
  • System&G, lead partner in Greece
  • CODEC, Belgium
  • Badgecraft, Lithuania
  • System&G Finland

The EU Erasmus+ programme co-funded this activity.

Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

Alexandroupoli Navigator Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

Badge earner participated in a team-building activity to get to know each other, explore training topics, and navigate the Alexandroupoli.

The Actionbound activities included such quests to accomplish:
  • navigate to specific destinations by walking;
  • learn some facts and history of marking sites in the city;
  • make small interactions with local people;
  • complete creative tasks, such as taking selfies.
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Participate in the activity. Optional: enrich your badge by uploading results and reflections from the activity, such as images, videos, ideas, and thoughts.


#Displaying intercultural sensitivity
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Vreme za završetak: 45 minuta
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